“Printmaking is the process of creating artworks by printing, normally on paper. Printmaking normally covers only the process of creating prints that have an element of originality, rather than just being a photographic reproduction of a painting. Except in the case of monotyping, the process is”…read mas->
“Mezzotin is a printmaking process of the intaglio family technically a drypoint merhod. It was the first tonal method to be used, enabling half tones to be produced without using line- or dot-based techniques like hatching cross-hatching or stipple”…read more>
” Drypoint is a printmaking technique of the intaglio family, in wich an image is incised into a plate (or “Matrix”) with a hard pointed “neddle” or sharp metal or diamond point”... read mas >
“Linocut is a Printmaking technique, a variant of woodcut in wich linolium ( sometimes mounted on a wood block) is used for a relief surface. A design is cut into the linoleum with a sharp knife”… read mas>