Posted on June 9, 2021 by admin
Can We call it Harvestation For the sake of improvisation and a little Imagination? There is no correct grammar to explain the situation, so let us forget about grammatization for the creation of spoken words referring to the deterioration that deforestation is doing to this great Nation.
Did I just say this Nation? It is not just this location, as a whole, we are a world organization engaged in planetary exploitation, leaving nothing for our future generation.
Is it an exaggeration, over amplification, over-dramatization? to talk about this devastation?
It is not about the Department of Forestation, they call it preservation! or the private company or the organization that is doing deforestation, they call it Harvestation! to refer to their sometimes, clear-cut-ation for the sake of money creation.
It is a sad situation that God’s creation does not escape politicization, privatization, exploitation, even deportation, and importation are part of the equation,
I am not speaking of the border situation, I am talking about Trees, those beings that make our air for respiration. It is not something that is fixed with some kind of reparation.
It would adventitious for Tree populations if privatization would serve to protect their location, not for some future relocation.
Depopulation is now days a common expression in the world of cyber communication, that refers to humans being removed from their plantations.
Conspiracy or conspiracyation, how come not much is said about the Trees being removed from its location? is this not a matter of death situation?
It should not be a negotiation, and I am not negating or advocating for some kind of green-new-deal-ization that would probably benefit some kind of corporation. Green for who? would it serve the arboribus population?
It is an issue that requires no interpretation, and no complicated explanation, it is a simple situation; the Tree is pulled from his location causing deforestation and forests degradation no matter how they sugarcoat the situation.
It is not about exaltation, and is not a conspiration, I have lived with the Árbol and have shared his location and information.
Is it a bizarre or far- fetched realization to hug a Tree and share some love and information? Is it not science to be aware of energy and vibration?
All plants are spiritual said the shaman when I spent some time in the Amazons for vacation.
Bottom line interpretation: For Trees in the forests, rain forest, jungles, and even the concrete jungles, the bottom line is a dollar-$-ation situation.
It is about our so called; civilization coming to the realization that deforestation is coming from our utilization, or should I say our waste-fultation for the sake of survivalation?
Is there time for regeneration? for vegetation rejuvenation? What’s the use of a new plantation if they cut the Tree before it can have an ejaculation for it’s own species propagation!
Is the Tree the same, if it is alien to it’s location? Or should I say foreign to be correct in my translation. I see no boxes in the expression of creation.
It is nothing but a game of masturbation that is played with forestation, but if you question the situation, they will tell you: “It is all for the sake of progress -ation , preservation, and It is time for Harvestation”!!
We are leaving nothing! For our future Generation!
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